Conference Recap

ECTRIMS 2020 Highlights: Managing RRMS, Symptoms in the Time of COVID-19


A shift in managing symptoms for patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (RRMS) may be in order as new research questions the efficacy of three commonly used drugs for MS-related fatigue. Results of a study from Johns Hopkins University show that amantadine, modafinil, and methylphenidate were not superior to placebo. As Dr Mark Freedman reports in this ReCAP, the study suggests that clinicians consider focusing more on patient sleep quality rather than tiredness in their evaluation of fatigue.

This study was presented during the 8th Joint Meeting of ACTRIMS-ECTRIMS, this year branded MSVirtual2020. Dr Freedman, a recognized neurologist from the University of Ottawa, shares key highlights from the online conference.

He explains the significance of new evidence that points to the potential for a selective retinoid X receptor agonist to promote remyelination in relapsing disease. He also discusses a study by researchers at the University of Melbourne that looked at data from the largest cohort of MS patients with COVID-19 and drew troubling conclusions.

Professor, Department of Neurology, University of Ottawa and The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute; Director, Multiple Sclerosis Research Unit, The Ottawa Hospital – General Campus, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.

Mark S. Freedman, MSc, MD, has disclosed the following relevant financial relationships: Serve(d) on the advisory board, board of directors, or other similar groups for: Actelion (Janssen/Johnson & Johnson); Alexion; Atara Biotherapeutics; BayerHealthcare; BiogenIdec; Celgene; Clene Nanomedicine; GRI Bio; Hoffman La-Roche; Magenta Therapeutics; Merck Serono; MedDay; Novartis; Sanofi-Genzyme; Teva Canada Innovation. Serve(d) as a member of a speakers bureau for: Sanofi-Genzyme; EMD Serono. Received honoraria or consultation fees for: Actelion (Janssen/Johnson & Johnson); Alexion; BiogenIdec; Celgene (BMS); EMD Inc; Sanofi-Genzyme; Hoffman La-Roche; Merck Serono; Novartis; Teva Canada Innovation­. Received research or educational grants from: Sanofi-Genzyme Canada; Hoffman-La Roche; EMD Inc.



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