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Tremor, Imbalance Linked to Less Physical Activity

J Neurol Sci; ePub 2016 May 17; Louis, Collins, et al

Several of the motor features of essential tremor (ET) (tremor and imbalance) are independently associated with reductions in level of physical activity, a recent study found. Researchers assessed self-reported physical activity using the Physical Activity Scale for the Elderly (PASE) in 100 ET cases (mean age 80.5 years). They found:

• Lower PASE score was associated with older age, more tandem gait difficulty, higher total tremor score, and lower Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA) score.

• In a linear regression model that included total tremor score, MOCA score, number of steps off of the straight line during tandem, gait, and age, higher total tremor score, and more steps off of the straight line during tandem gait were independently associated with reductions in physical activity.

Citation: Louis ED, Collins K, Rohl B, et al. Self-reported physical activity in essential tremor: Relationship with tremor, balance, and cognitive function. [Published online ahead of print May 17, 2016]. J Neurol Sci. doi:10.1016/jns.2016.05.034.