Original Research

A Comparative Evaluation of Tretinoin Gel Microsphere, 0.1%, versus Tretinoin Cream, 0.025%, in Reducing Facial Shine

Tretinoin gel microsphere, 0.1%, is a highly effective anti-acne medication formulated with sponge-like microspheres encapsulating the active ingredient, tretinoin. In addition to minimizing cutaneous irritation, this system may also reduce facial shine. This single-center, double-blind, half-face study evaluated the potential of tretinoin gel microsphere, 0.1%, to reduce the appearance of facial shine compared to tretinoin cream, 0.025%. Thirty-five subjects (ages 12 to 24 years) with moderate acne vulgaris and moderate facial oiliness, were evaluated after 4 consecutive days of product use. On sides treated with tretinoin gel microsphere, 0.1%, investigators found significantly reduced facial shine at 3 and 6 hours posttreatment. Subjects' self-evaluations revealed a significant reduction in facial shine at 3 hours posttreatment. Photographic analyses showed reductions in facial shine for both treatments, but decreases were greater on tretinoin gel microsphere, 0.1%-treated sides. Both therapies were well tolerated, and no adverse events occurred. Tretinoin gel microsphere, 0.1%, has the added benefit of reducing the appearance of facial shine, which is a frequent concern in acne patients.


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