Clinical Review

Medical management of abnormal uterine bleeding in reproductive-age women

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Because previously used terms, including menorrhagia and meno-metrorrhagia, were inconsistently defined and confusing, the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics introduced updated terminology in 2011 to better describe and characterize AUB in nonpregnant women. Heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) refers to ovulatory (cyclic) bleeding that is more than 8 days’ duration, or sufficiently heavy to impair a woman’s quality of life. HMB is a pattern of AUB distinct from the irregular bleeding pattern typically caused by ovulatory dysfunction (AUB-O).1

Clinical evaluation

Obtain menstrual history. In addition to a medical, surgical, and gynecologic history, a thorough menstrual history should be obtained to further characterize the patient’s bleeding pattern. In contrast to the cyclical or ovulatory bleeding seen with HMB, bleeding associated with inconsistent ovulation (AUB-O) is unpredictable or irregular, and is commonly associated with PCOS. AUB-O is also encountered in recently menarchal girls (secondary to immaturity of the hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis) and in those who are perimenopausal. In addition, medications that can induce hyperprolactinemia (such as certain antipsychotics) can cause AUB-O.

Evaluate for all sources of bleeding. Be sure to evaluate for extrauterine causes of bleeding, including the cervix, vagina, vulva, or the urinary or gastrointestinal tracts for bleeding. Intermenstrual bleeding occurring between normal regular menses may be caused by an endometrial polyp, submucosal fibroid, endometritis, or an IUD. The patient report of postcoital bleeding suggests that cervical disease (cervicitis, polyp, or malignancy) may be present. Uterine leiomyoma or adenomyosis represent common causes of HMB. However, HMB also may be caused by a copper IUD, coagulation disorders (including von Willebrand disease), or use of anticoagulant medications. Hormonal contraceptives also can cause irregular bleeding.

Perform a pelvic examination and measure vital signs. The presence of fever suggests the possible presence of pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), while orthostatic hypotension raises the possibility of hypovolemia. When vaginal speculum examination is performed, a cervical cause of abnormal bleeding may be noted. The presence of fresh or old blood or finding clots in the vaginal vault or at the cervical os are all consistent with AUB. A bimanual examination that reveals an enlarged or lobular uterus suggests leiomyoma or adenomyosis. Cervical or adnexal tenderness is often noted in women with PID, which itself may be associated with endometritis. The presence of hyperandrogenic signs on physical examination (eg, acne, hirsutism, or clitoromegaly) suggests PCOS. The finding of galactorrhea suggests that hyperprolactinemia may be present.

Laboratory assessment

Test for pregnancy, cervical disease, and sexually transmitted infection when appropriate. Pregnancy testing is appropriate for women with AUB aged 55 years or younger. If patients with AUB are not up to date with normal cervical cancer screening results, cervical cytology and/or human papillomavirus testing should be performed. Testing for Chlamydia trachomatis, Neisseria gonorrhoeae, and Trichomonas vaginalis should be performed in patients:

  • younger than 25 years
  • when the history indicates new or multiple sexual partners, or
  • when vaginal discharge, cervicitis, cervical motion, or adnexal tenderness is present.

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