Pediatric Dermatology Consult

A 10-year-old with a red bump on her lower lip

A 10-year-old previously healthy female presented to clinic with a red bump on her left lower lip that has been present for 2 months. The papule was previously growing but has been stable for several weeks. There was no inciting incident or preceding trauma to the site and no other lesions are present. The patient has been experiencing persistent bleeding from the lesion up to twice a day for the past week that does not resolve with pressure. The lesion is otherwise asymptomatic with no associated pain or pruritus. The patient's past medical history is noncontributory and she takes no medications. Examination reveals a flesh-colored to erythematous nodule with hemorrhagic crusting near the lateral edge of the left lower lip.

What's the diagnosis?

Spitz nevus

Pyogenic granuloma

Cherry angioma

Amelanotic melanoma

Glomus tumor

The patient’s history and examination are consistent with a diagnosis of pyogenic granuloma. Specifically, the history of rapid growth, friable nature, associated bleeding, and hemorrhagic crusting point to pyogenic granuloma as the most likely diagnosis.

Pyogenic granuloma is an acquired benign vascular growth of the skin or mucous membranes.1 It most frequently occurs in children and young adults and most commonly affects the skin of the head, trunk, and extremities.2 Common mucosal sites include the gingiva, lips, and tongue.2 The etiology of pyogenic granuloma is unknown, though it is thought to be a process akin to the overgrowth of granulation tissue.3,4 Expression of angiogenic factors and subsequent vascular hyperplasia are also implicated as key players in the pathogenesis of pyogenic granuloma.1,4 In addition, several associated factors and inciting triggers have been proposed including trauma, infections, and hormonal fluctuations.3-5 However, the majority of patients do not report predisposing factors or a history of prior trauma at the site.3,6

Ms.Jennifer Y. Sui is a research associate in the department of dermatology, division of pediatric and adolescent dermatology, University of California, San Diego, and Rady Children's Hospital, San Diego.

Jennifer Y. Sui

Clinically, pyogenic granuloma usually presents as a painless, erythematous, dome-shaped friable papule or nodule that easily bleeds and may ulcerate. It typically undergoes a period of growth over weeks to months followed by stabilization. Occasionally, pyogenic granulomas will spontaneously involute, though most do not.7 Pyogenic granuloma may occur within an existing capillary malformation, such as a port wine stain, spontaneously or as a sequela of laser treatment.8,9 Diagnosis of pyogenic granuloma can typically be made clinically on the basis of history and exam. Dermoscopic evaluation of pyogenic granuloma will reveal a homogeneous papule with a surrounding white-brown collarette, and potentially white intersecting lines.10 Histopathologic evaluation may be necessary to differentiate lesions from conditions that may mimic pyogenic granuloma.

What’s on the differential?

The differential diagnosis for pyogenic granuloma consists of Spitz nevus, cherry hemangioma, amelanotic melanoma, and glomus tumor.

Spitz nevus

Spitz nevus (spindle and epithelial cell nevus) is a benign melanocytic lesion that classically appears as a sharply circumscribed, smooth, dome-shaped, pink-red, or brown papule or plaque. There is typically a history of rapid growth over several months followed by stabilization. It usually presents in childhood or adolescence and is most commonly located on the face and extremities. While there are similarities in the appearance of Spitz nevi and pyogenic granuloma, Spitz nevi are not usually friable nor associated with bleeding as in our patient. Furthermore, on dermoscopy, Spitz nevus typically exhibits a starburst pattern with regularly distributed dotted vessels, or a peripheral globular pattern with reticular depigmentation. The definitive diagnosis of Spitz nevi relies on histopathologic evaluation, which is critical for discriminating Spitz nevi from melanoma.

Cherry hemangioma

Dr. Lawrence F. Eichenfield is vice chair of the department of dermatology and professor of dermatology and pediatrics at the University of California, San Diego, and Rady Children's Hospital, San Diego

Dr. Lawrence F. Eichenfield

Cherry angiomas are the most common type of acquired benign vascular proliferation. They present as small, bright red or violaceous macules or papules. However, they typically appear in early to midadulthood and increase in number with age. The age of our patient and solitary presentation of the lesion make this diagnosis unlikely. In addition, cherry angiomas are not usually associated with bleeding. It is important to note that, depending on the age of the patient, pyogenic granuloma may also be confused with infantile hemangioma. Infantile hemangiomas may become bright red papules, nodules, or plaques that appear in early infancy. They characteristically involute, which does not typically happen with pyogenic granuloma.


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