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We asked doctors using AI scribes: Just how good are they?


How much do AI scribes cost?

As the marketplace for these tools expands, companies are offering more products and services at different price points that target a range of organizations, from large health care systems to small private practices.

Price models vary, said Dr. Garcia. Some are based on the number of users, others on the number of notes, and still others on minutes.

Amazon’s HealthScribe is priced at 10 cents per minute. For 1,000 consultation transcripts per month, with each call averaging 15 minutes, it would take 15,000 minutes at a total cost of $1,500 for the month.

In general, the rapidly growing competition in this space could mean prices become more affordable, Dr. Garcia said. “It’s good that so many are getting into this game, because that means the price will come down and it will be a lot more accessible to everybody.”

A version of this article appeared on


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