Countering social media diagnoses
This type of scenario is becoming increasingly common, with teens turning online primarily to social media accounts to gain knowledge around various neurologic and mental health conditions. Greater normalization of neurodiversity and greater access to high-quality information about neurodevelopmental differences is certainly progress, though unfortunately some online depictions of these conditions are simply not accurate. Many adolescents are keenly searching for both their personal identity and also a community through which they might feel wholly accepted, after experiencing some level of isolation during the pandemic followed by increased social discomfort in attempting to reintegrate into school life and society.
Connecting the teen with a good-fit therapist and working to replace excessive screen time with exercise, outdoor activities, and in-person engagement with friends and family are also crucial interventions, though they can be incredibly difficult for families to achieve given various patient-specific and societal barriers. The overlap in symptomatology among anxiety, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, and autism spectrum disorders is expansive, making it understandable that young people might misjudge their personal experience of life for a neurodevelopmental disorder for which they do not truly meet criteria. Increasing access to therapists well versed in trauma-informed care is a frequently referenced need, highlighted in this case.Another case
In contrast to the case scenario above is that of a 19-year-old female presenting for a formal autism evaluation at the urging of her father, who has had concerns around her severe “shyness” throughout her life. He is concerned that she was not able to obtain a high school diploma despite appearing to have adequate cognitive skills, is currently quite isolated, and does not appear equipped to hold a job at this time. He describes her as having been a very quiet and self-directed young child who greatly benefited from the communication and social scaffolding provided by her slightly older and neurotypical sister. She has generally not had true friends, though she had no behavioral or academic difficulties in school other than seeming aloof and unusually quiet. Atypical social approaches have become more apparent over time, as relationship navigation has become more complex with age. She is noted to have frequent stereotyped hand-to-face movements throughout the evaluation, as well as a flat affect and unusual voice quality. She speaks slowly and softly, and while she does make eye contact, it is less well modulated than would be expected. She is very focused on her cat and online interests during conversation, and tends to give stilted answers to open-ended questions. During the interview portion of the ADOS, she demonstrates little insight into friendships and reports feeling very content on her own, though is open to the idea of relationships in the future and would like to learn how to achieve connections with others. Her father reports she tends to be generally quite blunt and has difficulty understanding humor and others’ perspectives. An autism diagnosis is made with the recommendation of application to Developmental Disability Services, given impaired adaptive skills, as a means of utilizing community-based supports to facilitate eventually obtaining a high school equivalency credential, a job, healthier living habits, and comfortable social outlets.