Behavioral Consult

Behavioral Consult

Failure to launch can happen to college students

Asking college students questions about their academic challenges, social lives, self-care, and sleep on campus will help you get them back on...

Behavioral Consult

Ghost busting in pediatric primary care

Look for connections to the parent’s past when the parent’s handling of typical or problematic child behaviors...

Behavioral Consult

Help parents manage screen time thoughtfully

Dr. Swick and Dr. Jellinek offer principles to help you guide young people (or their parents) in approaching...

Behavioral Consult

How to help crying infants

After ruling out medical reasons why a baby might be crying, there is much you can teach parents about consoling...

Behavioral Consult

How to manage school failure

If a child experiences school failure in many areas, it is time for an assessment.

Behavioral Consult

Detached parents: How to help

Evaluate a detached parent for depression, overwhelming stress, or traumatic stress.
