Business of Medicine
Managing Your Practice
Creating a fair time-off policy
Employees generally like the PTO concept, because most never use all of their sick leave.
For love or money: How do doctors choose their specialty?
“To become a happy doctor, medicine really needs to be a calling: a passion! There are far easier things to do to make money.”
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Impostor syndrome is a risk for doctors of all ages
These people ignore praise, are highly self-critical, and attribute their successes to external factors, such as luck, hard work, or receiving...
Letters from Maine
Meaningful work
Every job has its meaningful and meaningless components. The problem is that we in primary care medicine are facing a landscape in which the...
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Mental health questions cut from MD licensing applications in 21 states
Four in 10 physicians said they did not seek help for burnout or depression because they worried that their employer or state medical board would...
Letters from Maine
Affirmative action 2.0
It’s time to begin anew our search for inclusion-promoting strategies that will pass the Supreme Court’s litmus test of legality.
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AMA supports APRN oversight by both medical and nursing boards
The organization says it opposes scope expansions because removing doctors from the care team results in higher costs to the patient and lower...
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Patient aggression against receptionists demands protocols
A literature review shows widespread verbal and physical abuse toward medical office receptionists.
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For psoriasis, review finds several biosimilars as safe and effective as biologics
“The biosimilars evaluated in this study could be considered alongside originators for biologic-naive patients to improve the accessibility of...
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Residency match process under scrutiny again, this time by AMA
AMA may study alternatives to the current residency matching program in an effort to improve residents’ compensation and other job-related issues...
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Will the doctor see you now? The health system’s changing landscape
People may not be able to find a primary care doctor, can’t afford one, or simply no longer want an established relationship.