
Doctor-patient relation can help improve treatment adherence in RA


Key clinical point: Complete treatment adherence has still not been achieved in rheumatoid arthritis (RA), and factors like having patient-physician agreement on the treatment and the type of treatment prescribed are significant predictors of adherence.

Major finding: The 6-month prevalence of adherence was 59.1% (95% CI 48.1%-71.8%), with treatment agreement between patient and physician (odds ratio [OR] 4.29; P = .01) and information adaptation (OR 1.54; P = .015) being significant predictors of adherence. Treatment adherence was higher with second-line conventional synthetic disease-modifying rheumatic drug (csDMARD; OR 4.72; P = .005) and biological DMARDs/targeted synthetic DMARDs (OR 3.50; P = .029) vs. first-line csDMARDs.

Study details: This was a 6-month observational longitudinal prospective cohort study involving 180 patients with RA.

Disclosures: The ADHIERA trial was supported by a grant from Roche España to the Spanish Foundation of Rheumatology. A Balsa reported receiving speaker fees from various sources including Roche. Two other authors did not receive fees or personal grants from any laboratory, although their institute works by contract for laboratories for various sources.

Source: Balsa A et al. Ann Rheum Dis. 2021 (Nov 29). Doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2021-221163.

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