Clinical Edge Journal Scan

Patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease have a lower risk for atopic dermatitis


Key clinical point: Patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), especially younger patients, have a significantly decreased risk of developing atopic dermatitis (AD).

Major finding: The risk for AD was significantly lower among patients with NAFLD (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] 0.93; P = .024), particularly those age ≤ 40 years (aHR 0.80; P < .001), compared with control individuals without NAFLD.

Study details: This retrospective cohort study included 307,743 patients with NAFLD and 1,230,972 matched control individuals without NAFLD.

Disclosures: This study was funded by the Chung Shan Medical University Hospital and China Medical University, Taiwan. The authors declared no conflicts of interest.

Source: Gau SY et al. The association between non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and atopic dermatitis: A population-based cohort study. Front Immunol. 2023;14:1171804 (Aug 18). doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2023.1171804

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