Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer
Case Reports
Early Pilomatrix Carcinoma: A Case Report With Emphasis on Molecular Pathology and Review of the Literature
Early diagnosis and prompt treatment of pilomatrix carcinoma is crucial in lowering recurrence rate and avoiding a poor outcome.
TANS Syndrome: Tanorexia, Anorexia, and Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer
Primary care physicians, dermatologists, psychiatrists, nutritionists, and public health officials should educate high-risk patients to prevent...
From the Journals
Sunscreen, other sun-protective habits not linked with poorer bone health, fractures
“These data are very reassuring and will help clinicians to keep recommending sun protection to the public.”
From the Journals
Some diuretics tied to increased skin cancer risk
Long-term use of hydrochlorothiazide was associated with a twofold increased risk of squamous cell carcinoma, compared with calcium channel...
From the Journals
Uncertainty looms large in treatment options for high-risk cutaneous SCC
More data – and high-quality data – are needed for physicians to determine with more confidence which adjuvant therapies would be best for...
From the Journals
Immunocompromised people face highest risk of cutaneous SCC metastasis
Immunocompromised individuals, such as solid organ transplant patients, make up 73.3% of all patients with cutaneous SCC who are at risk of...
From the Journals
Watchful waiting sometimes best for asymptomatic basal cell carcinoma
Asymptomatic nodular, superficial basal cell carcinoma or BCC in patients with limited life expectancy may be better suited for careful monitoring...
Conference Coverage
PDT for actinic keratoses continues to be refined
Daylight PDT, provides 80%-90% clearance of thin AKs, lower clearance of thick AKs, and is a nearly pain-free procedure because of continuous...
Environmental Dermatology
Botanical Briefs: Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis)
In dermatology, bloodroot has been utilized for its cytotoxic effects; it has been marketed as black salve as an anticancer treatment, but it does...
From the Journals
U.S. study finds racial, gender differences in surgical treatment of dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans
Black and Hispanic males are more often treated with wide local excision than with Mohs surgery for dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans.
From the Journals
Opioid prescriptions following Mohs surgery dropped over the last decade
The four opioids obtained most during the study period were hydrocodone (55%), codeine (16.3%), oxycodone (12%), and tramadol (11.6%).