Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer
Dermpath Diagnosis
Firm Exophytic Tumor on the Shin
A 62-year-old man presented with a firm, exophytic, 2.8×1.5-cm tumor on the left shin of 6 to 7 years’ duration. An excisional biopsy was obtained...
Latest News
FDA acts against sales of unapproved mole and skin tag products on Amazon, other sites
Warning letters sent to three companies address possible violations from selling unapproved drugs for mole and skin tag removal.
Original Research
Discrepancies in Skin Cancer Screening Reporting Among Patients, Primary Care Physicians, and Patient Medical Records
Dermatologists should be aware of the variability in practice and execution of full-body skin examinations among primary care providers and offer...
Practical Pearls
How to Address Scar Pincushioning and Webbing of the Nasal Dorsum Using Surgical Defatting and Z-plasty
We report a case that demonstrates successful use of surgical defatting and Z-plasty techniques to revise a scar of the nasal dorsum that...
Latest News
Devices to detect skin cancer: FDA advisers offer mixed views
There's been a swell in recent years in the number of publications related to the use of AI and machine learning, which could give rise to new...
Latest News
Banana Boat recalls scalp sunscreen spray
The recall comes a little over a year after Johnson & Johnson recalled five sunscreens due to low levels of benzene.
Latest News
FDA panel urges caution with skin cancer–detecting tools
The FDA called a meeting amid growing interest in using technology to aid in finding cancers, with some of these products already marketed to...
Practical Pearls
Simple Intraoperative Technique to Improve Wound Edge Approximation for Residents
Among the variables associated with surgical outcomes, cosmesis is important to patients and challenging to the early-learning resident. We offer...
Clinical Review
Systemic Targeted Treatments for Basal Cell Carcinoma
The sonic hedgehog (SHH) inhibitors vismodegib and sonidegib currently are the only 2 oral medications approved by the US Food and Drug...
From the Journals
Study finds higher risk of skin cancer after childhood organ transplant
There’s an increased incidence of keratinocyte carcinoma in children who receive a solid-organ transplant, but it does not tend to develop until...
Conference Coverage
Surgical site infections not increased in immunocompromised patients after Mohs surgery
Mohs surgery is increasingly being performed for patients who are immunosuppressed because of their higher incidence of skin cancer and higher...