Rare Diseases
Photo Challenge
Thick Hyperkeratotic Plaques on the Palms and Soles
A 52-year-old woman with a history of rheumatoid arthritis presented with a rash on the palms and soles of 7 years' duration that started around...
Make the Diagnosis
A 35-year-old male who takes antiseizure medications, has asymptomatic lesions on his nose and cheeks, present since birth
March 2021
From the Journals
Consensus statement issued on retinoids for ichthyosis, disorders of cornification
To date, no specific guidance has addressed the safety, efficacy, or overall precautions for their use in the pediatric population.
Case Reports
Cutaneous Insulin-Derived Amyloidosis Presenting as Hyperkeratotic Nodules
Deposition of amyloid at insulin injection sites has the potential to interfere with insulin absorption, leading to poor glucose control.
From the Journals
Analysis characterizes common wound microbes in epidermolysis bullosa
Methicillin resistance and mupirocin resistance was reported in 47% and 40% of patients tested.
Conference Coverage
GLIMMER of hope for itch in primary biliary cholangitis
Moderate to severe pruritus “affects patients’ quality of life and is a huge burden for them.”
Conference Coverage
GLIMMER of hope for itch in primary biliary cholangitis
Moderate to severe pruritus “affects patients’ quality of life and is a huge burden for them.”
Make the Diagnosis
A 4-year-old presented to our pediatric dermatology clinic for evaluation of asymptomatic "brown spots."
A 4-year-old presents with asymptomatic "brown spots."
Case Letter
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome/Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis Overlap Syndrome in a Patient With Relapsing Polychondritis
The clinical presentation of relapsing polychondritis (RP) may demonstrate cutaneous manifestations other than the typical inflammation of...
Conference Coverage
Birch bark derivative gel found effective for EB, in phase 3 study
"This is the first large clinical trial with placebo of a topical treatment that's worked for this terrible disease."
News from the FDA/CDC
Systemic sclerosis patients share their perspectives and needs in treatment trials
FDA officials and clinical researchers heard about the impact that different symptoms have on patients’ daily lives in order to design better...