Clinical Edge

Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions

Depressive Symptoms High Among Older Adults in Long-Term Care

Key clinical point: The prevalence of depressive symptoms is high among older adults living in long-term care facilities, and those symptoms are significantly associated with factors such as urinary incontinence, negative self-perceived health, poor sleep quality, and retirement from the workforce.

Major finding: Depressive symptoms were present in about 55% of elderly individuals living in long-term care facilities.

Study details: The data come from an epidemiological study based on questionnaire responses from 42 individuals aged 60 years and older living in a long-term care facility in Brazil.

Disclosures: The researchers had no financial conflicts to disclose.


Guimarães L et al. Ciên Saúde Colet. 2019 Sep9;24(9):3275-82.