Clinical Edge

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Patient-Centered Intervention for Prostate Ca Care

J Clin Oncol; ePub 2019 Mar 12; Jayadevappa, et al

In patients with localized prostate cancer, a patient-centered intervention improved satisfaction with care, satisfaction with decision, reduced regrets, and aligned treatment choice with risk category. In this multicenter randomized controlled study, researchers randomly assigned patients to the Patient Preferences for Prostate Cancer Care (PreProCare) intervention or usual care. Outcomes were satisfaction with care, satisfaction with decision, decision regret, and treatment choice. Assessments were performed at baseline and at 3, 6, 12, and 24 months. They found:

  • 743 patients with localized prostate cancer were randomly assigned to receive PreProCare (n=372) or usual care (n=371).
  • Improvement at 24 months from baseline was significantly different between groups.
  • For the intervention group, mean scores at 24 months improved by 0.44 (SE 0.06) from baseline.
  • The proportion of patients reporting satisfaction with decision and no regret increased over time and was higher for the intervention group.


Jayadevappa R, Chhatre S, Gallo JJ, et al. Patient-centered preference assessment to improve satisfaction with care among patients with localized prostate cancer: A randomized controlled trial. [Published online ahead of print March 12, 2019]. J Clin Oncol. doi:10.1200/JCO.18.01091.