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Fiber Intake and Survival After CRC Diagnosis

JAMA Oncol; ePub 2017 Nov 2; Song, Wu, et al

Consuming higher amounts of fiber after being diagnosed with nonmetastatic colorectal cancer (CRC) is linked with lower CRC-related and overall mortality, according to a study involving nearly 1,600 individuals. Participants were from the Nurses’ Health Study and Health Professionals Follow-up Study, an average of ~69 years of age, and had stage I to III CRC. Investigators looked at food intake via food frequency questionnaires and assessed its impact on CRC-related and overall mortality. Among the results:

  • There were 773 deaths, 174 from CRC, during a median 8 years of follow-up.
  • Overall, CRC-specific mortality was reduced by 22% for each 5-g increased increment in fiber intake/day.
  • Overall mortality was lowered by 14%.
  • In patients who increased their fiber intake after diagnosis, CRC-specific mortality was reduced by 18% for each 5-g/day increase in intake.
  • Overall mortality in these patients was reduced by 14%.
  • Cereal fiber reduced both CRC-specific and overall mortality.
  • Vegetable fiber reduced overall mortality.
  • Whole grain reduced CRC-specific mortality.
  • No link was seen with fruit fiber.


Song M, Wu K, Meyerhardt J, et al. Fiber intake and survival after colorectal cancer diagnosis. [Published online ahead of print November 2, 2017]. JAMA Oncol. doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2017.3684.