Clinical Edge

Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions

ASCO guidelines take global view of late-stage colorectal cancer

Key clinical point: The American Society of Clinical Oncology’s guidelines for managing late-stage colorectal cancer recommend clinical care based on regional resource levels.

Major finding: For lower-resource settings, “optimal” symptom management methods include symptom control, surgical evaluation, transfusion, and palliative care. If chemotherapy is available, most patients should receive chemotherapy in the frontline setting.

Study details: An ASCO expert panel developed the guidelines after reviewing five guideline documents from four public health authorities/guideline developers.

Disclosures: ASCO funds the guideline development process. The guideline authors disclosed relationships with multiple companies.


Chiorean EG et al. JCO Glob Oncol. 2020 Mar;6:414-38.