Clinical Edge

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AASM hypopnea definition best for detecting OSA cases, study finds

Key clinical point: Use of the American Academy of Sleep Medicine–recommended definition of hypopnea as a component of the apnea-hypopnea index is associated with the presence of an elevated or hypertensive blood pressure.

Major finding: For all definitions of elevated BP, increasing obstructive sleep apnea severity was associated with greater likelihood of an elevated or hypertensive status in fully adjusted models.

Study details: An analysis of 6,307 participants in Sleep Heart Health Study who underwent home polysomnography.

Disclosures: The Sleep Heart Health Study was supported by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. Dr. Quan reported that he helped draft the AASM apnea-hypopnea index recommendations but had no other relevant disclosures.


Quan SF et al. SLEEP 2019, Abstract 0501.