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Hospital Readmission After Seizure Discharge

Neurology; ePub 2018 Dec 21; Blank, et al

Patients hospitalized with seizure are frequently readmitted, according to a recent study. While readmitted patients are more likely to have multiple medical comorbidities, this investigation demonstrated that inpatient adverse events were also significantly associated with readmission. The most common reason for readmission was seizure or epilepsy. Together, these 2 findings suggest that a proportion of readmissions are related to modifiable care process factors and may, therefore, be avoidable. Researchers evaluated a retrospective cohort study of adults discharged from a non-elective hospitalization for epilepsy or seizure, sampled from the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project's 2014 Nationwide Readmissions Database. They found:

  • 139,800 admissions met inclusion criteria, of which 15,094 (10.8%) were readmitted within 30 days.
  • Patient characteristics associated with readmission included comorbid disease burden and participation in public insurance programs as compared to private insurance.
  • Adverse events and prolonged length of stay, as well as non-routine discharge, were also associated with increased adjusted odds of readmission.
  • The most common primary reason for readmission was epilepsy or convulsion (17%).


Blank LJ, Crispo JAG, Thibault DP, Davis KA, Litt B, Willis AW. Readmission after seizure discharge in a nationally representative sample. [Published online ahead of print December 21, 2018]. Neurology. doi:10.1212/WNL.0000000000006746.