Clinical Edge

Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions

‘Trigger Zone’ Resection Ups Seizure-free Odds in Temporal Lobe Epilepsy

Key clinical point: Resection of the piriform cortex was linked to improved odds of being seizure free at a median of 5 years’ follow-up in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy.

Major finding: Resecting at least half of the region increased odds of being seizure free by a factor of 16 (95% CI, 5-47; P less than .001).

Study details: A prospective, observational study including 107 patients with temporal lobe epilepsy and an analysis of 31 patients from two other independent cohorts.

Disclosures: The first author reported receiving a grant from the Medical Research Council. His coauthors reported disclosures with the Medical Research Council, Wellcome Trust, Medtronic, Neuropace, Nevro, Eisai, UCB, and Mallinckrodt, among other entities.


Galovic M et al. JAMA Neurol. 2019 Mar 11. doi: 10.1001/jamaneurol.2019.0204.