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Headache-Specific Locus of Control Scale Assessed

Headache; ePub 2019 Feb 19; Grinberg, et al

The Headache‐Specific Locus of Control scale is a reliable and valid measure of headache‐specific locus of control, according to a recent investigation. Findings suggest that headache‐specific locus of control is more multidimensional than previous conceptualizations and contribute to the understanding of control beliefs as a potential mechanism for migraine treatment. 695 adults with a diagnosis of migraine from 5 different research studies completed cross‐sectional self‐report measures, including the Headache‐Specific Locus of Control scale and measures of quality of life and disability (Migraine‐Specific Quality of Life Questionnaire and Migraine Disability Assessment). Researchers found:

  • 5 Headache‐Specific Locus of Control components emerged from Horn’s Parallel Analysis, Minimum Average Partial test, and Principal Component Analysis (eigenvalues: Presence of Internal=5.7, Lack of Internal=4.0, Luck=2.9, Doctor=2.0, and Treatment=1.5).
  • The 33 Headache‐Specific Locus of Control items demonstrated adequate internal consistency for total (α=0.79) and subscale scores (α’s=0.69 to 0.88).
  • Preliminary evidence of convergent validity was found.
  • For example, Lack of Internal (r = −0.12), Doctor (r = −0.20), and Treatment (r = −0.12) beliefs were associated with higher overall migraine‐specific quality of life impairments.

Grinberg AS, Seng EK. Cross‐sectional evaluation of the psychometric properties of the Headache‐Specific Locus of Control Scale in people with migraine. [Published online ahead of print February 19, 2019]. Headache. doi:10.1111/head.13485.