Clinical Edge

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Women More Apt to Use Alternative Headache Therapy

Headache; ePub 2016 Nov 25; Rhee, Harris

Women used complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) more frequently than men among adults with migraines/severe headaches in the US, a recent study found. Researchers used data from the 2012 National Health Interview Survey, which represents non-institutionalized US adults with migraines/severe headaches (n=4,645 unweighted). Using a cross-sectional design with survey sampling techniques, they conducted descriptive analyses for prevalence of CAM use by gender. They found:

  • The overall prevalence of past year CAM use was 44.4%.
  • Women consistently used CAM more frequently than men.
  • The most commonly used CAM types included herbal supplements (22.2%), massage (14.2%), and chiropractic/osteopathic (13.9%).
  • After controlling for covariates, the odds of moderate mental distress (MMD) were increased by the presence of migraines/severe headaches and the use of any CAM.
  • The interaction effect of migraines/severe headaches and CAM use decreased the odds of MMD by 27% in women, but not in men.


Rhee TC, Harris IM. Gender differences in the use of complementary and alternative medicine and their association with moderate mental distress in US adults with migraines/severe headaches. [Published online ahead of print November 25, 2016]. Headache. doi:10.1111/head.12986.