Clinical Edge

Summaries of Must-Read Clinical Literature, Guidelines, and FDA Actions

Discontinuing Disease-Modifying Therapy in MS

Int J MS Care; ePub 2016 May 19; Birnbaum

Disease-modifying therapy (DMT) can be stopped safely in older multiple sclerosis (MS) patients (≥7 decades) with no evidence of acute disease for ≥2 years, with an almost 90% probability of remaining free of acute recurrence, a recent study found. Two groups of patients were studied. Group A consisted of 77 patients with secondary progressive MS (SPMS) and no evidence of acute inflammation for 2 to 20 years; this group was advised to stop DMTs. Group B consisted of 17 patients with relapsing forms of MS (RMS) who stopped DMTs on their own. Researchers found:

• 9 patients in Group A (11.7%) had recurrent acute disease.

• 10 patients in Group B (59%) had recurrent acute disease.

• Acute recurrence almost always appeared within 1 to 2 years of stopping treatment.

• The only variable of significance in Group A distinguishing stable and relapsing patients was age, with relapsing patients younger (median age of relapsing patients, 56 years; median age of stable patients, 61 years).

Citation: Birnbaum G. Stopping disease-modifying therapy in nonrelapsing multiple sclerosis: Experience from a clinical practice. [Published online ahead of print May 19, 2016]. Int J MS Care. doi:10.7224/1537-2073.2015-032.