Clinical Edge

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Serum Levels of Neurofilament Light Are Increased Before Clinical Onset of MS

Key clinical point: Serum levels of NfL were increased at 6 years before clinical onset in patients who developed MS, compared with controls.

Major finding: The median serum NfL level was 16.7 pg/mL in cases and 15.2 pg/mL in controls.

Study details: A nested case-control study that included 120 military personnel with serum samples stored in a Defense Department repository.

Disclosures: The Swiss National Research Foundation and the National Institute of Neurologic Disorders and Stroke funded the study. Several of the investigators received fees from various drug companies that were unrelated to the study, and one researcher received grants from the National Institutes of Health during the study.


Bjornevik K et al. JAMA Neurol. 2020;77(1):58-64.