Clinical Edge

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Severe Relapses in MS

Mult Scler Rel Dis. ePub Feb 17. Mäurer M, Comi G

Prevention of severe relapses should be an important therapeutic aim in the treatment of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS). This according to a study of relapses, fatigue, and health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in clinical trial participants with MS. Researchers found:

• Regardless of how “relapse severity” is defined, fatigue was increased and HRQoL decreased in patients experiencing severe relapse; the changes were statistically significant.

• Greatest worsening in fatigue and HRQoL was seen in patients with relapse leading to hospitalization.

Citation: Mäurer M, Comi G, Freedman MS, et al. Multiple sclerosis relapses are associated with increased fatigue and reduced health-related quality of life – a post hoc analysis of the TEMSO and TOWER studies. [Published online ahead of print February 17, 2016]. Mult Scler Rel Dis. doi: 10.1016/j.msard.2016.02.012.