Clinical Edge

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Sexual Dysfunction Common in People with MS

NeuroRehabilitation; ePub 2017 Oct 14; Delaney, et al

Additional education for providers regarding the approach to assessment and management of sexual dysfunction in people with multiple sclerosis (PwMS), their potential role in treatment, and available specialized resources is needed, according to a recent study. Furthermore, the role of interdisciplinary care with collaboration among providers should be considered. Researchers conducted a literature review in order to identify primary and secondary sources discussing sexual dysfunction in PwMS. They found:

  • Sexual dysfunction is common in PwMS and can occur throughout the disease course.
  • Sexual dysfunction is associated with depression, reduced quality of life, and may have broader implications related to relationships, fertility, pregnancy, and parenting.
  • The etiology is often multifactorial and can be classified as primary, secondary, or tertiary dysfunction.
  • Sexual dysfunction in PwMS is underdiagnosed and undertreated; however, many healthcare providers may already have the skills required to care for PwMS with sexual dysfunction.


Delaney KE, Donovan J. Multiple sclerosis and sexual dysfunction: A need for further education and interdisciplinary care. [Published online ahead of print October 14, 2017]. NeuroRehabilitation. doi:10.3233/NRE-172200.