Clinical Edge

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People with MS Report Worse Overall Health

Disibil Health J; ePub 2017 Apr 29; Amtmann, et al

Individuals with multiple sclerosis (MS) report clinically meaningful worse health compared to the general population across multiple health related domains, a recent study found. To that end, symptom profiles utilizing PROMIS or NeuroQoL measures can be used to quickly assess symptom levels in an individual or group. Researchers analyzed data from observational cross-sectional survey studies of 1,544 community dwelling individuals with MS. Measures included PROMIS or NeuroQoL anxiety, depression, fatigue, sleep disturbance and related impairment, pain interference, physical function, satisfaction with social roles, and applied cognition. Symptom levels were also compared by age, gender, and disability level. They found:

  • Scores on all health domains were statistically significantly worse than the general US population and 6 domains had scores worse by half standard deviation or more.
  • These differences remained significant after adjusting for age and sex.


Amtmann D, Bamer AM, Kim J, Chung H, Salem R. People with multiple sclerosis report significantly worse symptoms and health related quality of life than the US general population as measured by PROMIS and NeuroQoL outcome measures. [Published online ahead of print May 16, 2017]. Disibil Health J. doi:10.1016/j.dhjo.2017.04.008.