Exercise halves T2D risk in adults with obesity
Adults with obesity in a supervised exercise program were significantly less likely than nonexercisers to develop type 2 diabetes 10 years later...
From the Journals
Does obesity blunt effects of vitamin D supplementation?
‘There seems to be something different happening with vitamin D metabolism at higher body weights,’ said the author of a new paper.
From the Journals
New guidelines on peds obesity call for aggressive treatment
The authors of the guidelines encourage primary care doctors to collaborate with other medical professionals to treat the comorbidities often...
Latest steps toward reducing U.S. insulin cost begin in 2023
Beneficiaries who take insulin via pen or syringe, covered under Medicare part D, fall under the $35/month co-pay cap.
Best diets in 2023: Mediterranean diet wins again
U.S. News & World Report’s latest annual rankings of the best diet plans has been released.
From the Journals
Diabetes surge expected in young people
It is expected that as many as 526,000 people younger than 20 years in the United States will have diabetes by 2060.
Conference Coverage
Dubious diagnosis: Is there a better way to define ‘prediabetes’?
There have been major increases in prediabetes in the United States and globally over the past 2 decades.
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Guidance updated for congenital hypothyroidism screening, management
Congenital hypothyroidism is one of the most common, preventable causes of intellectual disabilities worldwide.
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Patients trying to lose weight overestimate their diet quality
Only 28% of participants in a study had “good agreement” between their perceived diet quality and its actual quality.
From the Journals
Intermittent fasting diet trend linked to disordered eating
This method of dieting was significantly associated with overeating, binge eating, vomiting, laxative use, and compulsive exercise.
Which exercise is best for bone health?
An optimal exercise regimen includes a combination of strength and resistance training; weight-bearing aerobic training; and exercises that build...