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New studies show growing number of trans, nonbinary youth in U.S.
Overall, some 1.6 million Americans older than age 13 now identify as transgender, reported the researchers.
Letters from Maine
Your grandmother, the metabolic influencer
So it appears that the first-generation offspring’s gametes and hence, the third generation, was being exposed in utero to something generated by...
From the Journals
Few children with early social gender transition change their minds
Five-year data show that more than 90% of children who chose to socially transition their gender identity maintain it 5 years later.
Conference Coverage
New research holds promise for fighting obesity, says expert
A growing understanding of adipose tissue as an endocrine organ responsible for weight control opens avenues for treatment, she says.
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Depression strikes more than half of obese adolescents
New study suggests an association between multiple components of metabolic syndrome and depression in obese teens.
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Early puberty cases among girls surged during pandemic
Doctors have tied the current uptick to the stress of the pandemic and lockdowns, including reduced physical activity and increased consumption of...
Monitor children’s thyroids after iodine exposure for imaging, FDA says
Neonates and those with underlying conditions are at greatest risk of adverse effects from iodinated contrast media, the agency says.
From the Journals
Metformin use linked to birth defects in boys
“This is the first data to suggest that paternal metformin [use] may be associated with birth defects in children. As such, it would be early to...
From the Journals
‘Profound implications’: COVID ups diabetes risk 40% a year later
‘All these roads are pointing in one direction, that COVID-19 increases the risk of diabetes up to a year later. If patients have a prior history...
From the Journals
Mild COVID-19 infection linked to later type 2 diabetes
Results point to the need to monitor blood glucose following SARS-CoV-2 infection.
From the Journals
Lights on during sleep can play havoc with metabolism
If a light is needed for safety reasons, keep it as dim as possible and avoid exposure to blue or green light, but instead try red-amber colors....