Cases That Test Your Skills

Cases That Test Your Skills

The angry patient with Asperger’s

Mr. A’s social skills are poor, and he has threatened and hit people when angry. What would you recommend for this anxious, depressed,...

Cases That Test Your Skills

A mysterious physical and mental decline

Since Mr. C developed intermittent fever, hematuria, and fatigue 2 months ago, his short-term memory has diminished so much that he forgets to eat...

Cases That Test Your Skills

The inexplicably suicidal patient

After becoming confused, Mr. A attempts suicide by jumping off a bridge. He has a history of cognitive developmental delay but no psychiatric...

Cases That Test Your Skills

The sailor who won’t follow orders

Mr. L is rehospitalized 9 times in 3 months but repeatedly fails to adhere to outpatient treatment. What is the cause of his exasperating behavior...

Cases That Test Your Skills

The puzzling self-poisoner

Ms. M tried to kill herself with rat poison, and her coagulation values continue to rise. Is she secretly consuming more poison in her hospital...

Cases That Test Your Skills

‘I’ve been abducted by aliens’

Ms. S is afraid to sleep at night because that’s when the aliens come. Is she psychotic, or do her nocturnal experiences have another cause?

Cases That Test Your Skills

The patient who ‘spilled salt’

Mrs. V has psychotic depression and hyponatremia. Is beer drinking or diuretic use causing her low serum sodium? Or could it be something else?
