Cases That Test Your Skills

Cases That Test Your Skills

The patient nobody liked

Mr. L’s recurrent suicidality and aggressive, disruptive behaviors anger patients and hospital staff. What is his diagnosis? How would you get him...

Cases That Test Your Skills

One patient’s ‘shot’ at redemption

Mr. B believes shooting himself in the abdomen expunges his guilt. Is he delusional? Depressed? Obsessive-compulsive? Is another psychopathology...

Cases That Test Your Skills

After the ‘pink clouds,’ he sees red

Mr. T receives lamotrigine for longstanding mood swings, hypomania, irritability, and anxiety. Two weeks later, a rash covers much of his body. Is...

Cases That Test Your Skills

A young man’s affair of the heart

After several failed antipsychotic trials, clozapine resolves Mr. Z’s delusions and hallucinations, but sudden chest pain, fatigue, and shortness...

Cases That Test Your Skills

A life of drugs and ‘downtime’

Unrelenting depression and opioid addiction have destroyed Mr. B’s career and marriage. Numerous medications have not improved either condition....

Cases That Test Your Skills

Depression, medication, and ‘bad blood’

Clinicians find 2 antidepressants that reduce Mr. G’s chronic depression. Unfortunately, each medication decreases his WBCs. What would you do?
