Cases That Test Your Skills

Cases That Test Your Skills

‘Killer trolls’: One older man’s battle

After controlling his bipolar disorder for 20 years, Mr. B suffers mania, paranoia, and depression late in life. What’s causing these episodes?...

Cases That Test Your Skills

Did antismoking therapy make him sick?

Mr. M has symptoms of neuroleptic malignant syndrome. For years, he has been taking antipsychotics without suffering complications. What caused...

Cases That Test Your Skills

Psychosis: Is it a medical problem?

Ms. B hears voices and is paranoid but has no other symptoms of a psychotic disorder. The challenge: narrow the differential diagnosis and...

Cases That Test Your Skills

The consequences of sipping ‘tea’

Mr. J is disoriented and seeing ‘visions.’ His psychiatric history suggests a substance use disorder, but a drug screen is negative. How would you...

Cases That Test Your Skills

Anxiously looking for love

33-year-old single woman seeks a companion but cannot maintain relationships. Does she have anxiety, a personality disorder, or a less obvious...

Cases That Test Your Skills

When clozapine is not an option

After 30 years, Mr. S’ catatonic schizophrenia finally responds to medication, but the drug causes a precipitous WBC decrease. The challenge: find...

Cases That Test Your Skills

Depressed, delusional, and ‘dead’

Mr. P. suddenly becomes mute, lethargic, and gravely disabled. He stands in the street and believes he is killing people around him. What causes...

Cases That Test Your Skills

When your brother becomes a ‘stranger’

Ms. D says ‘impostors’ posing as family members have invaded her house, and ‘stalkers’ are out to get her. What is causing her paranoid delusions...
