Clinical Review

Update on Menopause

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Testosterone Improves Parameters of Sexual Function
Huang G, Basaria S, Travison TG, et al. Testosterone dose-response relationships in hysterectomized women with or without oophorectomy: effects on sexual function, body composition, muscle performance, and physical function in a randomized trial. Menopause. 2014;21(6):612-623.

No formulation of testosterone is approved by the FDA for use in women. Nonetheless, in the United States, many menopausal women hoping to boost their sexual desire are prescribed, off-label, testosterone formulations indicated for use in men, as well as compounded formulations.1

Investigators randomly allocated women who had undergone hysterectomy to 12 weeks of transdermal estradiol followed by 24 weekly intramuscular injections of placebo or testosterone enanthate at doses of 3.0, 6.0, 12.5, or 25.0 mg while continuing estrogen. At the outset of the trial, all women had serum free testosterone levels below the range for healthy premenopausal women.

Among the 62 women who received testosterone, serum testosterone levels increased in a dose-related fashion. Among those allocated to the highest dose, serum total testosterone levels at 24 weeks were five to six times higher than values in healthy premenopausal women. Compared with women who received placebo, those who received the highest testosterone dose had better measures of sexual desire, arousal, and frequency of sexual activity. Excess hair growth was significantly more common in women who received the two highest doses of testosterone.

1. Kingsberg SA, Woodard T. Female sexual dysfunction: focus on low desire. Obstet Gynecol. 2015;125(2):477–486.

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