MS Consult

MS Consult

Monoclonal Antibodies in MS

A case of a 19-year-old man being treated with monoclonal antibody therapy for relapsing MS highlights the need for careful monitoring.

MS Consult

Sexual Dysfunction in MS

Sexual dysfunction is one of the “invisible symptoms” of MS. Identifying the underlying cause can guide treatment choices for your patient.

MS Consult

Cognition and MS

Screening of cognitive function is not routinely part of multiple sclerosis clinical care. Here’s what you might be missing.

MS Consult

Identifying and Managing MS Relapse

MS relapse can have a significant impact on patients’ short- and long-term function, quality of life, and finances. Here’s what to look for—and...

MS Consult

Neuropathic Pain in MS

In multiple sclerosis (MS), pain is a common symptom; patients may experience varying forms during their disease course. One type is neuropathic...

MS Consult

The ACA and Multiple Sclerosis

Patients who use disease-modifying therapies for multiple sclerosis have an increased risk for infection. Here's what you need to know, including...

MS Consult

Bladder Complications in MS

When does weakness in MS signify more than just ... well, weakness? And what if suspected MS really isn't MS at all? Here's what you need to know...
