Renal Consult

Renal Consult

Bone Health in Kidney Disease

Mineral and bone disorder is a common complication in patients with kidney disease. Here’s guidance on monitoring for and treating bone...

Renal Consult

When Can You Stop Dialysis?

Patients confronted with a diagnosis of kidney failure requiring dialysis inevitably want to know, “For how long?” Here’s the data on who might...

Renal Consult

When to Start Dialysis

When is the best time to start dialysis? Our expert reviews the data on early versus late initiation, based on the patient’s glomerular filtration...

Renal Consult

The Unsaid Dangers of NSAIDs

Patients undergoing orthopedic procedures often receive powerful NSAIDs, such as ketorolac, to ease their postop pain without the use of narcotics...

Renal Consult

Is “Runner’s Kidney” a Thing?

Fact or fiction: Running is bad for your kidneys. Our experts have the answer, complete with hot-off-the-press clinical data. Plus: Does...
