Grand Rounds

Grand Rounds

Man, 46, With Wrist Laceration

This case illustrates the importance of performing a thorough hand examination when a patient presents with even a small laceration. Failure to do...

Grand Rounds

Woman, 57, With Painful, Swollen Ankle

What starts as a typical "day at the office" for a 57-year-old horticulturist comes to a crashing hault when the ladder she is standing on slips...

Grand Rounds

Man, 32, With Severe Scrotal Pain and Swelling

It started as mild left scrotal discomfort, with no history of trauma. Then escalating pain and swelling, as well as hematuria and dysuria, prompt...

Grand Rounds

Obese Man With Severe Pain and Swollen Hand

An obese 43-year-old man was gardening when he began to experience severe pain and swelling in his hand that worsened with time. Eventually, the...

Grand Rounds

Woman, 36, With Fever and Malaise

A 36-year-old Bengali woman with a history of well-controlled diabetes presents to the emergency department with complaints of feeling “unwell”...
