Clinical Review
Clinical Review
How ObGyns can best work with radiologists to optimize screening for patients with dense breasts
Discussions with patients around breast cancer screening typically rest on the shoulders of ObGyns. When a patient is informed...
Clinical Review
2019 Update on menopause
What is the risk of endometrial cancer in women with postmenopausal bleeding, and who should be evaluated? Plus, consensus...
Clinical Review
What to do when a patient presents with breast pain
Most breast pain is due to hormonal and fibrocystic changes, with conservative measures and patient reassurance prioritized. Here, types of breast...
Clinical Review
Energy-based therapies in female genital cosmetic surgery: Hype, hope, and a way forward
Laser and radiofrequency devices are “out there” as therapeutic options for gyn cosmetic conditions, and some studies show...
Aspirin for primary prevention: USPSTF recommendations for CVD and colorectal cancer
Patient age, baseline cardiovascular disease risk, bleeding risk, and personal preference regarding aspirin use are key to decision making. A...
Alcohol use disorder: How best to screen and intervene
The USPSTF recommends the AUDIT, the AUDIT-C, or the single-question NIAAA screen. The CAGE screening tool has low sensitivity at lower levels of...
Clinical Review
How I Became a Derm Guru (And How You Can, Too)
For years, the author has been an icon in the dermatology realm—but he didn’t start out that way. Here is the engaging story of how an “average...
Clinical Review
Health Apps Every Primary Care Provider Should Know About
Rather than bemoan the persistent “digital creep” into health care, learn to harness its benefits to improve your patient care. Here’s how to...
Obstructive sleep apnea: A better Dx model for primary care
This study identified a method that provides a truer assessment of disease probability than has been achieved with history and physical exam...
Clinical Review
Screening for Prostate Cancer in Black Men
Prostate cancer, though on the decline, continues to disproportionately affect black men. Vague symptoms and conflicting screening recommendations...