Medicolegal Issues

The Failure to Deliver as Promised

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In March 2009, a 63-year-old man was diagnosed with stage IV gastric carcinoma with metastasis to the liver. His treating oncologist gave him a prognosis of about 10 months’ life expectancy with chemotherapy. The patient’s family searched for alternative treatment options and found a natural alternative treatment center claiming the ability to cure the patient.

The patient and his family decided to defer chemotherapy, and he was admitted to the alternative treatment center for three to four weeks of inpatient care. The treatment consisted of “colonic hydrotherapy,” supplements designed to cleanse the body, and a diet restricted to seed milk, vegetable juice, and spinach soup.

After six days, the patient developed severe diarrhea, confusion, and profound weakness. He was taken to a local hospital and admitted with a diagnosis of acute renal failure. Dialysis attempts were unsuccessful, and the man died of respiratory distress secondary to acute renal failure a week later.

The plaintiff claimed that the treatment provided by the defendants was contraindicated and caused acute renal failure, noting that the patient’s kidney function had been relatively normal when he entered the treatment facility. The plaintiff claimed that defendant Dr N., a chiropractor, never reviewed any of the decedent’s medical records, did not discuss the proposed treatment plan with his treating physicians, and failed to properly monitor the patient’s condition, notice his deterioration, and provide timely transfer to a hospital.

The defendant claimed that the treatment given had no adverse effects on the decedent and that the acute renal failure was due to hepatorenal syndrome due to his advanced metastatic liver cancer.

What was the outcome? >>


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Understanding Hematuria: Causes

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