Clinical Review

Endometriosis and Pain: Expert Answers to 6 Questions Targeting Your Management Options

Experts address the nuances of endometriosis-associated pain and describe a multipronged approach to keep it at bay.

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• When is laparoscopy indicated?
• Excision versus ablation
• How to reduce the risk for postoperative recurrence

Endometriosis has always posed a treatment challenge. In the early 19th century, before the widespread advent of surgery, the disease was managed by applying leeches to the cervix. In fact, as Nezhat and colleagues note in their comprehensive survey of the 4,000-year history of endometriosis, “leeches were considered a mainstay in treating any condition associated with menstruation.”1

In the 21st century, the picture is clearer, though still not crystal clear. The optimal approach to endometriosis depends on many factors, foremost the patient’s chief complaint: pain or infertility (or both).

This article focuses on medical and surgical management of pain. Six experts address such questions as: When is laparoscopy indicated? Is excision or ablation of lesions preferred? What is the role of hysterectomy in eliminating pain? And what can be done about the problem of recurrence?

One reason for the diagnostic delay with endometriosis, which still averages about six years, is that definitive diagnosis is achieved only through laparoscopic investigation and histologic confirmation. For many women who experience pain thought to be associated with endometriosis, however, clinicians begin empiric treatment with medical agents as a way to avert the need for surgery, if at all possible.

“There is no cure for endometriosis,” says John R. Lue, MD, MPH, “but there are many ways that endometriosis can be treated” and the impact of the disease reduced in a patient’s life. (Editor’s Note: See below for biographical information on each clinician interviewed in this article.)

Medical and hormonal options include
NSAIDs, often used with combined oral contraceptives (OCs). NSAIDs are not a long-term treatment option because of their effect on cyclo-oxygenase (COX) 1 and 2 enzymes, says Dr. Lue. COX-1 protects the gastrointestinal (GI) system, and prolonged use of NSAIDs can cause adverse GI effects.
Cyclic combined OCs “are recommended as firstline therapy in the absence of contraindications,” says Dr. Lue, and are often used in combination with NSAIDs. However, the failure rate may be as high as 20% to 25%.2 “If pain persists after a trial of three to six months of cyclic OCs, consider switching to continuous low-dose combined OCs for an additional six months,” Dr. Lue adds. When combined OCs were compared with placebo in the treatment of dysmenorrhea, they reduced baseline pain scores by 45% to 52%, compared with 14% to 17% for placebo (P < .001).2 They also reduced the volume of endometriomas by 48%, compared with 32% for placebo (P = .04). According to Linda C. Giudice, MD, PhD, “In women with severe dysmenorrhea who have been treated with cyclic combined OCs, a switch to continuous combined OCs reduced pain scores by 58% within six months and by 75% at two years” (P < .001).2
Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) or the levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system (LNG-IUS). These agents suppress the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian (HPO) axis to different degrees. DMPA suppresses the HPO completely, preventing ovulation. The LNG-IUS does not fully suppress the HPO but acts directly on endometrial tissue, with antiproliferative effects on eutopic and endometriotic implants, says Dr. Lue. The LNG-IUS also is effective at suppressing disease after surgical treatment, says Dr. Giudice.2
Gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) agonist therapy, with estrogen and/or progestin add-back therapy to temper the associated loss in bone mineral density, “may be effective—if only temporarily—as it inhibits the HPO axis and blocks ovarian function, thereby greatly reducing systemic estrogen levels and inducing artificial menopause,” says Dr. Lue.
Norethindrone acetate, a synthetic progestational agent, is occasionally used as empiric therapy for endometriosis because of its ability to inhibit ovulation. It has antiandrogenic and antiestrogenic effects.
Aromatase inhibitors. Dr. Lue points to considerable evidence that endometriotic implants are an autocrine source of estrogen.3 “This locally produced estrogen results from overexpression of the enzyme P450 aromatase by endometriotic tissue,” he says. Consequently, in postmenopausal women, “aromatase inhibitors may be used orally in a daily pill form to curtail endometriotic implant production of estrogen and subsequent implant growth.”4 In women of reproductive age, aromatase inhibitors are combined with an HPO-suppressive therapy, such as norethindrone acetate. These strategies represent off-label use of aromatase inhibitors.
Danazol, a synthetic androgen, has been used in the past to treat dysmenorrhea and dyspareunia. Because of its severe androgenic effects, however, it is not widely used today.

“For those using medical approaches, endometriosis-related pain may be reduced by using hormonal treatments to modify reproductive tract events, thereby decreasing local peritoneal inflammation and cytokine production,” says Pamela Stratton, MD. Because endometriosis is a “central sensitivity syndrome,” multidisciplinary approaches, such as physical therapy, may be beneficial to treat myofascial dysfunction and sensitization. “Chronic pain conditions that overlap with endometriosis-associated pain—such as migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, or painful bladder syndrome—should be identified and treated. Mood changes of depression and anxiety common to women with endometriosis-associated pain also warrant treatment,” she says.

Continue on to find out when laparoscopy is indicated >>


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