April 2016: Click for Credit

Author and Disclosure Information

Topics include: Later menopause lowers risk for later depression • Preschool ASD prevalence estimates lower than grade school estimates • Long-term PPI use linked to increased risk for dementia • Elevated cardiovascular risks linked to hidradenitis suppurativa


Here are 4 articles in the April issue of Clinician Reviews (individual articles are valid for one year from date of publication—expiration dates below):

1. Later Menopause Lowers Risk for Later Depression
To take the posttest, go to: http://bit.ly/1U7I7f3
Expires January 6, 2017

Key clinical point: Later menopause, with its longer estrogen exposure, appears tied to a lower risk of postmenopausal depression.
Major finding: The risk of depression decreased by 2% for each 2 premenopausal years after age 40.
Data source: The meta-analysis comprised 14 studies with more than 67,700 women.
Disclosures: Neither Dr. Georgakis nor any of the coauthors declared any financial conflicts.

2. Preschool ASD Prevalence Estimates Lower Than Grade School Estimates
To take the posttest, go to: http://bit.ly/24Mec0X
Expires January 5, 2017

Key clinical point: The prevalence of autism spectrum disorders among 4-year-olds is about 30% lower than among 8-year-olds.
Major finding: Prevalence of ASD among 4-year-olds was 13/1,000 children across five U.S. states.
Data source: A comparison of health and medical records for nationally representative cohorts involving 58,467 4-year-olds and 56,727 8-year-olds in five U.S. states in 2010.
Disclosures: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention funded the research. Dr. Christensen and her associates reported no disclosures.

3. Long-term PPI Use Linked to Increased Risk for Dementia
To take the posttest, go to: http://bit.ly/1nrCdsb
Expires February 24, 2017

Key clinical point: Proton pump inhibitors may add to the risk of dementia in older adults.
Major finding: The risk of incident dementia was 44% higher in adults who used PPIs long term, compared with those who did not.
Data source: The prospective cohort study included 73,679 adults aged 75 years and older.
Disclosures: The researchers had no financial conflicts to disclose.

4. Elevated Cardiovascular Risks Linked to Hidradenitis Suppurativa
To take the posttest, go to: http://bit.ly/1nrEFz3
Expires February 17, 2017

Key clinical point: Hidradenitis suppurativa is associated with a significantly increased risk of adverse cardiovascular events and all-cause mortality.
Major finding: Individuals with hidradenitis suppurativa had a 57% greater risk of myocardial infarction and 33% greater risk of ischemic stroke, compared with the general population.
Data source: A population-based cohort study in 5,964 patients with hidradenitis suppurativa.
Disclosures: No conflicts of interest were declared.

Next Article:

Arterial Calcium Findings on Mammograms Can Predict Heart Disease Risk

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