Clinical Review

Woman, 35, With Jaundice and Altered Mental Status

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  • Results of case patient's initial laboratory work-up
  • Top 10 prescription medications associated with idiosyncratic disease
  • Outcome for the case patient

A 35-year-old African-American woman presented to the emergency department (ED) after being found disoriented and lethargic in her apartment by her friends. Given her altered mental status, the history of present illness was limited and informed mainly by her mother and friends. She had been unreachable by telephone for three days, and friends grew concerned when she was absent from work on two consecutive days. After obtaining access to her apartment, they found her in the bathroom jaundiced, incoherent, and surrounded by nonbloody, nonbilious vomit. She had no prior significant medical history, no documented daily medication, and no recent travel. Of note, previous medical contact was limited, and she did not have an established primary care provider. Additionally, there was no contributory family history, including autoimmune illness or liver disease.

ED presentation was marked by indications of grade 4 encephalopathy, including unresponsiveness to noxious stimuli. Initial laboratory work-up was notable for significantly elevated liver function test results (see Table 1). Based on her international normalized ratio (INR), total bilirubin, and creatinine, her initial Model for End-Stage Liver Disease score was 39, correlating to an 83% three-month mortality rate.1 Autoimmune marker testing revealed a positive antinuclear antibody (ANA), elevated immunoglobulin G (IgG), elevated smooth muscle antibody (IgG), normal antimitochondrial antibody, and normal anti-liver/kidney microsome antibody (IgG). Viral hepatitis serologies, including A, B, C, and E, were unremarkable. Ceruloplasmin and iron saturation were within normal limits. Acetaminophen, salicylate, and ethanol levels were negligible. Pregnancy testing and urine toxin testing were negative. Thyroid function tests were normal. Infectious work-up, including pan-culture, remained negative. Syphilis, herpes simplex virus (HSV), HIV, and varicella zoster testing were unremarkable.

CT of the head was not consistent with cerebral edema. CT of the abdomen and pelvis showed evidence of chronic pancreatitis and trace perihepatic ascites. She was intubated for airway protection and transferred to the medical ICU.

On liver biopsy, the patient was found to have acute hepatitis with centrilobular necrosis, approximately 30% to 40%, and prominent cholestasis. Histologically, these findings were reported as most consistent with drug-induced liver injury. Given her comatose state, coagulopathy, and extremely limited life expectancy without liver transplantation, the patient was listed for transplant as a status 1A candidate with fulminant hepatic failure.

She was placed on propofol and N-acetylcysteine infusions in addition to supportive IV resuscitation. The patient’s synthetic and neurocognitive function improved gradually over several weeks, and she was able to provide collateral history. She denied taking any prescription medications or having any ongoing medical issues. She did report that for two months prior to admission she had been taking an oral beauty supplement designed to enhance hair, skin, and nails. She obtained the supplement online. She could not recall the week leading up to admission, but she did note increasing malaise and fatigue beginning two weeks prior to admission. She denied any recreational drug or alcohol use.

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