Picture This

Something is Afoot

For each case, choose the correct answer

For answers, see next issue; for discussion, go to www.mdedge.com/clinicianreviews/picture

Case 1 was originally published in the American Journal of Orthopedics (2013;42[3]:121-124).

Case 2 adapted courtesy of Cutis (2000;66[3]:211-212). Copyright 2017 Frontline Medical Communications Inc.

Case 3 adapted from the Journal of Family Practice (2008;57[5]:321-323).

Case 4 credit: ScienceSource. IMAGE NUMBER: SN0826 LICENSE: RIGHTS MANAGED

Answers to last month’s “Picture This” (Clinician Reviews. 2017;27[6]:43): 1c, 2a, 3d, 4b


1. A 43-year-old woman presents with progressively worsening bilateral great toe pain that began during pregnancy and increased following the birth of her daughter three years ago. Both of her feet have developed a crescent moon shape, making it painful and difficult to wear normal shoes image

1. A 43-year-old woman presents with progressively worsening bilateral great toe pain that began during pregnancy and increased following the birth of her daughter three years ago. Both of her feet have developed a crescent moon shape, making it painful and difficult to wear normal shoes. This patient has

a) Degenerative arthritis

b) Hallux varus

c) Gout

d) Traumatic sesamoiditis

Diagnosis: Physical exam revealed bilateral hallux varus deformity of the great toe, which was greater on the left foot than on the right (23° and 16°, respectively). The deformities were easily, passively, correctable. Standing radiographs showed evidence of previous proximal osteotomies and well-healed distal first metatarsal osteotomies. Due to unsuccessful nonoperative management, surgical reconstruction was offered.

For further information, see “Bilateral Hallux Varus Deformity Correction With a Suture Button Construct.” Am J Orthop. 2013;42(3):121-124.


Next Article:

The Man With No Medical History

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