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Task force advises behavioral intervention for obese adults

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Recommendations reinforce respect for patients

For most primary care clinicians, referring obese patients for more advanced behavioral therapy will be the most practical integration of the recommendation, Susan Z. Yanovski, MD, wrote in an accompanying editorial. Clinicians with training in motivational interviewing or counseling may help assess a patient’s readiness for treatment, but even being familiar with weight-management resources in the community can help patients find the right fit.

“Clinicians can do their patients a great service by showing respect for their patients’ struggles with weight management, screening for obesity-related comorbidities, and providing treatment for identified conditions regardless of the patient’s motivation for, or success with, weight-loss treatment,” she said.

Dr. Yanovski noted that pharmacotherapy options have increased since the 2012 recommendations, when orlistat was the only approved drug for long-term treatment of obesity. Five medications are currently available for this indication.

The USPSTF review was limited in scope for both drug and behavior therapy, noted Dr. Yanovski. “Because the recommendations are meant to apply to adults without diseases for which weight loss is part of disease management, some large and long-term clinical trials conducted among patients with type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease were not included.”

Another limitation was the exclusion of surgical treatments as being outside the primary care setting, but bariatric surgery remains a viable option for many patients, especially for prevention or resolution of type 2 diabetes. Primary care clinicians are in a position to identify patients who might benefit and to provide referrals to surgeons if appropriate, she wrote.

Dr. Yanovski agreed with the recommendations but concluded that early strategies to prevent obesity should not be neglected. “Research to develop effective prevention strategies throughout the life course, including infancy and early childhood, could ultimately decrease the number of adults who must confront the difficult challenge of losing excess weight.”

Dr. Yanovski is affiliated with the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases. She disclosed that her spouse has received research funding from Zafgen and Rhythm Pharmaceuticals for studies of investigational products to treat obesity. Her comments are summarized from an editorial accompanying the articles by Curry SJ et al. and LeBlanc ES et al. (JAMA. 2018;320[11]:1111-3).



The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force advises clinicians to refer or offer intensive behavioral weight-loss interventions to obese adults, according to an updated recommendation statement published in JAMA.

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Obesity affects more than one-third of U.S. adults, according to federal statistics. It carries increased risk for comorbidities including heart disease, diabetes, and various cancers, as well as increased risk of death among adults younger than 65 years, noted lead author Susan J. Curry, PhD, of the University of Iowa, Iowa City, and members of the Task Force.

The B recommendation applies to obese adults; obesity was defined as a body mass index of 30 kg/m2 or higher. The evidence review focused on interventions for weight loss and weight maintenance that could be provided in primary care or referred from primary care, such as nutrition counseling, exercise strategies, and goal setting.

The Task Force found adequate evidence that behavior-based weight-loss interventions improved weight, reduced incidence of type 2 diabetes, and helped maintain weight loss after interventions ended.

The Task Force found small to no evidence of harm associated with any of the behavioral weight-loss interventions, which included group sessions, personal sessions, print-based interventions, and technology-based interventions (such as text messages). Although interventions that combined drug therapy with behavioral intervention resulted in greater weight loss over 12-18 months, compared with behavioral interventions alone, the attrition rates were high and data on weight-loss maintenance after discontinuation of the drugs were limited, the Task Force noted.

“As a result, the USPSTF encourages clinicians to promote behavioral interventions as the primary focus of effective interventions for weight loss in adults,” they wrote.

The Task Force acknowledged the need for future research in subgroups and to explore whether factors such as genetics and untreated conditions are barriers to behavior-based weight loss interventions.

In the evidence review published in JAMA, Erin S. LeBlanc, MD, of Kaiser Permanente in Portland, Ore., and her colleagues reviewed data from 122 randomized, controlled trials including more than 62,000 persons and 2 observational studies including more than 209,000 persons.

The researchers found behavioral interventions were associated with greater weight loss and less risk of developing diabetes, compared with control interventions.

Intensive behavioral interventions included counseling patients about healthy eating, encouraging physical activity, setting weight and health goals, and assisting with weight monitoring. The interventions ranged from text messaging to in-person sessions for individuals or groups. The average absolute weight loss in the trials included in the review ranged from –0.5 kg to –9.3 kg (–1.1 lb to –20.5 lb) for intervention patients and from +1.4 kg to –5.6 kg (+3.1 lb to –12.3 lb) in controls.

Limitations of the review included a lack of data on population subgroups and a lack of long-term data on weight and health outcomes, the researchers noted. However, the results support the value of behavior-based therapy for obesity treatment.

The final recommendation is consistent with the 2018 draft recommendation and updates the 2012 final recommendation on obesity management.

The researchers and Task Force members had no relevant financial conflicts to disclose.

SOURCE: U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. JAMA. 2018;320(11):1163-71. doi: 10.1001/jama.2018.13022.

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