Screening for Prostate Cancer in Black Men

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Fortunately, there are several treatment options for men who are diagnosed with prostate cancer.22 These include watchful waiting, surgery, radiation, cryotherapy, hormone therapy, and chemotherapy. The type of treatment chosen depends on many factors, such as the tumor grade or cancer stage, the implications for quality of life, and the shared provider/patient decision-making process. Indeed, choosing the right treatment is a specialized approach that varies according to case and circumstance.22


There has been an increase in prostate cancer screening in recent years. However, black men still lag behind when it comes to having DRE and PSA tests. Many factors, including cultural perceptions of medical care among black men, often cause delays in seeking evaluation and treatment. Developing consistent and uniform prostate cancer screening recommendations for black men would be an important step in reducing mortality and morbidity in this population.


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