Medicolegal Issues

Avoiding the Pitfalls of “Half-visits”

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Furthermore, the disposition of many child visits turns on whether the patient “appeared toxic.” Any child’s condition could worsen after evaluation—and in litigation, parents, friends, and family will testify the patient was extremely ill, they “knew something was wrong,” and the clinician ignored their loved one. Thus, the jury will be invited to reconstruct how the child appeared.

When assessing children and the question of “toxic appearance” arises, don’t state a conclusion—paint a picture. Don’t merely state “child appeared nontoxic.” Use your powers of observation to record why they appear nontoxic: “Child sitting up, watching Moana on parent’s phone, smiling and laughing appropriately.” Get interactive; some pediatric providers carry a small vial of bubbles with them and record the child’s response to bubble-making (“Child appropriately reaching for bubbles, smiling, holding one on finger”). The cost is less than $1 for the bubbles, plus the documentation time. The benefit is that it paints a clear picture for the jury of a child responding appropriately. And if your observations suggest a child who is at least unwell—if the movie is poorly received or the bubbles prompt the child to scream or bury her face in her mom’s shoulder—you can consider oral antipyretics/analgesics, fluid, and re-observation.

Another way to create a strong and defensible record is to use patient quotations. These can be extremely helpful to your defense in a malpractice action; as an attorney, I have searched 8,000 pages of records in a medical malpractice case, hoping to find a clear description from a human (not a template) of how a patient looked. Make it clear by adding patient remarks to the chart—just remember that “the only thing that belongs in quotes is what comes out of the patient’s mouth.” Words from an 8-year-old boy— such as “My brother found a legendary scar [a reference to Fortnite] and almost won”—may seem silly, but this documentation itself could win your case.

With teenagers, you may have to ask more questions to glean something suitable; you could ask a 13-year-old her favorite sport and when her one-word answer is “Lacrosse,” ask why. Even if the response is “Because, I don’t know, it’s exciting. There are a lot of goals,” write that down exactly (along with any other observations, such as Teen texting on her phone). These notations tell the plaintiff’s attorney, the judge, and the jury that the patient was behaving normally and interacting with the environment. Should this teen later deteriorate with meningitis, the plaintiff will claim she was toxic in the office. The medical record, however, will show that the patient’s condition changed, and it was a departure from how she looked in your office.

Also, it never hurts to get backup. In any close call, ask the nurse to reevaluate the patient as to whether he or she is “toxic appearing” or is interacting normally with the environment. Have the nurse or medical assistant record facts, such as “patient trying to make a plane out of two tongue depressors, pretending to land it on sister’s leg.” This will create a strong and defensible record: two clinicians relaying two sets of detailed observations.

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