MS: Partnering With Patients to Improve Health

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Ambulation difficulty: Sharon’s walking and balance are worse than they were 6 months ago—a problem she relates to her MS, not her increased weight. She walks with a wide-based ataxic gait and transfers with difficulty, using the arms of her chair to stand up.

Poor nutritional habits: Sharon reports an irregular diet with an occasional breakfast, a sandwich for lunch, and a microwavable meal for dinner. Between meals, she snacks on nutrition bars, chocolate, and hot and cold coffee.

Smoking: Sharon smokes 1 pack of cigarettes daily.

Headache: As noted, Sharon reports occasional analgesic use for relief of headache pain.

The clinician’s impression is as follows: relapsing MS treated with disease-modifying therapy; obesity; ambulation difficulty; heat intolerance; sedentary lifestyle; and headache. In addition, the patient has the following risk factors: smoking; suboptimal activity and exercise; and poor nutritional habits.

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