Practice Puzzler

Opioid Epidemic

Author and Disclosure Information

This clinical puzzle is based on Salani D, Crenshaw NA, Owusu B, Gonzalez JM. Pain Management in an Opioid Epidemic: What’s Appropriate, What’s Safe. Clinician Reviews. 2018;28(4):40-47.

To get started, click any word in the puzzle to start the timer and Go!

Using the puzzle tools

  • Away from your computer? Click “Print” to download and print a blank puzzle or the answer key to the puzzle
  • With the tools at the top of the puzzle, challenge yourself by inviting colleagues to play with you and share their final scores.
  • To keep it fun, you can “Reveal” or “Check” a letter, word, or the entire grid, change the “Settings” to suit your preferences, or use the “Pencil” toggle to enter the answer in gray and later make it a normal entry when you’re sure about it.

Here's how the Score is calculated.

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