
Letters to the Editor


Ms. Zucker and Dr. Taylor-Young point out inaccuracies in Table 2, some of which are addressed in a “Corrections” box [see page 27]. It should be noted that the article was intended, not as a treatment guideline, but an update of available treatments for primary care clinicians—including the fact that two new agents, boceprevir and telaprevir, are available. Specific treatment decisions are made by specialists and are multifactorial. Certainly, the intricacies of therapy could constitute a whole different paper—or multiple papers.

The letter-writers make an excellent point regarding the use of interferon-based therapy in patients with psychiatric illness. Perhaps better wording would be that uncontrolled psychiatric illness should be treated to a stable state prior to start of interferon therapy, with close monitoring for any changes throughout therapy.
Jennifer Eames, MPAS, PA-C, Department of PA Studies, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston


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