Radiology Review

Is Headache a Sign of a Larger Problem?

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A 60-year-old woman presents with a complaint of severe headache, hoarseness, and weight loss, which have worsened in the past few days. Her headache is bifrontal, and at times she rates its severity as 10/10. She is not aware of any medical problems, but she admits she doesn’t have a primary care provider due to lack of insurance. She has a 30-year history of smoking one to one-and-a-half packs of cigarettes per day. Family history is positive for cancer. On examination, you note that she is uncomfortable but in no obvious distress. Her vital signs are normal. She is able to move all four extremities well and is neurovascularly intact. She has no other focal deficits. Noncontrast CT of the head is obtained. It shows a large right frontal lesion with surrounding vasogenic edema. You also order a chest radiograph (shown). What is your impression?



The radiograph shows a masslike density within the left suprahilar and mediastinal region, most likely consistent with a carcinoma. Given the entire clinical picture, this patient likely has a primary lung carcinoma that metastasized to the brain.

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